Originally i conceptualised the overall layout and design theories of this sketchup model on paper creating a platform from whcih to launch the 3D model. Essentially this structure has several key design elements that are apparent programming in all the following models as well in varying extents. The concept of a 'tower' as a monument and expression is challenged as this moment of reflection is situated in the subterrain first room. Similarly the concept of a single point of reflection; the water component of the design was not only intended to create a comforting, peaceful and encompassing element but also many points of self reflection. A main component of this design is its split living areas with breaks apparent isolating the major points of use from each other and also reflecting the fragmented shades of character apparent in my character.
This card model abstraction of the first model is a more literal expression of the driving design concepts. The form of the structure is far more energetic more directly plays with the idea of the link between structure and its effect on the physical state of mind. This is achieved through the design literally wrapping around itself creating a strong impression of an embracing and protective form. The water component is again evident, similarly wrapping itself around the back of the structure.
The third model is a further investigation of the loose form and overall makeup of the second model. As a whole this design is far more resolved than the previous, however, some spatial issues still exist; arising from the random nature of the geometry. A component of water is still evident bisecting the two components of the house; again linked to notions of peace and points of reflection. Unlike the previous wrapping card model this one allows movement throughout to take place in a fluid way through manipulation of internal spaces. The geometry and overall typology of this structure can speak symbolically about fragmentation and change in my character's life.
The second card model is again, not as resolved as the sketchup versions allowing for a looser read of the overal use. The driving ideas were again investigations into wrapping and folding planes indicating a building's 'embrace'. The design ramps up to a high point of reflection overlooking the whole structure. The fluctuating planes and unpredictable spaces again reflect my character's constant state of mental change.